All About Me
I'm Wik, and I guess this page is supposed to be about me and how I quit my job as a twenty something year old and have been a travel blogger, vlogger, filmogropher, backpacker, tomagachi jedi master and have been exploring the world ever since then. Well sorry to disappoint because that's not at all who I am, and it's most definitely not what you will find here.
I'm just your average college student that has a passion for traveling that gnaws at the veins pumping through my heart every time I see a plane. Tired of seeing blogs going to all of these extravagant destinations and not being able to go myself got me thinking, "Hey I like to travel, and write, and take pictures of myself in hip and trendy places, I should make my own!" So I did. Surprise!
I wanted to provide readers with a real recount of traveling around and exploring the world. I'm balling on a budget here people, the worst of them all, an 'I just binged on three ramen noodle cups today because I didn't have time to go to the grocery store and I'm running on 6 shots of Espresso because I have an exam, three papers, and two presentations to get through tomorrow."
I'm not a fashionista, definitely not a photographer, and Lord help us all if you think I know anything about backpacking cross-country. But what I lack for in skills, I make up for with my quick wit and intangible charm. I'm also basically traveling around for the next year so there's that.
What you will find here are the adventures I went on without ruining my credit score, all pictures on here have been taken with an iPhone, and every hike posted is accessible by even the most seasoned Netflix binger. Peppered with tidbits on the cultures, foods, and lessons I come across throughout my storybook of life, I hope you find some inspiration for your next weekend getaway or day trip!
What I'm really aiming to do here is write about those types of places and things that make your sensors ignite. The kind of moments that you dream of bottling up in a jar and saving for a rainy day. Especially those kind of adventures that even you will be able to take yourself!