Top 10 Things To Do In Berlin Germany

Boiling over with rich history and a festive night life, this city will leave you satisfied in more ways than one. Whether you're more interested in the arts, architecture, food culture, or nightlife, there's always something new to do and learn in the capital of Germany.
1. The Berlin Wall

Searing its identity and lasting memory into Berlin, you can find several of its remnants scattered around the city. You can also visit the Berlin Wall Memorial, as well as other random locations around Berlin, to discover more information and facts about how this monumental giant impacted the world and our history as we know it.
2. Brandenburg Gate

Just walking under such an integral symbol for European unity and peace will send shivers oozing down your spine. It was a crucial location in which many historical events occurred throughout the last century, as well as an essential meeting point for demonstrations and protests during the cold war.
3. Victory Column

You can see this colossal giant practically everywhere you go once you’re near the Brandenburg Gate. I highly recommend cutting through the adjoining Tiergarten while on your way to the column, where you can stumble upon some (ancient) sculptures and other interesting finds that dot the park.
4. Holocaust Memorial

Designed to disorient and confuse its visitors within the memorial, these columns definitely do their role in reminding you the bewilderment, confusion, frustration, exasperation and a whole lot of other emotions that the persecuted Jewish population of the world must have felt during WWII.
5. Berlin Parliament Quarter

When I first found this location, I was strictly confused. There were no signs, nothing too exciting going on around it, the only event really happening was that there were groups of school children climbing over one another to have their pictures taken in front of it. Regardless of what it is actually used to accomplish, it’s a gorgeous building to be rightfully admired and praised by tourists.
6. Berlin Cathedral

Another beautiful form of architecture found within the city, and in the words of beloved Doge, “So wow. Much green.” It’s a really cool building to check out, astronomically different from most other European cathedrals, so it’s something you really shouldn’t miss out on!
7. Checkpoint Charlie

This was the best-known Berlin Wall crossing point between East Berlin and West Berlin during the Cold War. Being super popular, you’ll be swamped by tourists, but since it played such an integral role in history, it’s something you really should check out. Plus, they hire guards to stand there, so you might even get a cool shot and greater understanding of what this checkpoint looked like 40 years ago!
8. Wander Around Museum Island

Because I’m broke I couldn’t really go into the museums (sad), but I was able to saunter around and enjoy museum island in my own little world anyway (yay). I’m kidding, I actually didn’t have time to enter the museums, but some of them are seriously worth checking out.
9. The President’s Home – Bellevue Palace

While you’re exploring this area, don’t be alarmed if a police officer stops you and begins speaking German things to you. They’re not stopping you because you’re in trouble, they’re stopping you because they don’t want you to get hit by a parade of cars transporting important German government officials around the area. So take a deep breath, and look out, because who knows? Maybe you’ll see someone you recognize in those cars.
10. Konzert Haus

When I first saw this landmark I figured it was a cool building, I could snap a few pics, and move on. But then I saw random tourists filtering out of the building so I ventured on. Peering through the windows (because raggedy college students aren’t worthy enough of entering such a prestigious concert hall – totally understandable) you can see the infamous room that brings joy through the form of music to so many listening ears every year.