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Wik's World

Top 10 Things To Do In Rome

Rome was quite a city. So rich in history and buzzing with an antiquity rarely found in most popularized cities nowadays. As much as I adored my time spent in Italy, it was definitely a hassle dealing with all of the lines, the regulations, and time spent trying to enter into attractions throughout the day. If you would like to enter a building, any building, I advise searching ahead of time to see whether or not you should purchase tickets in advance. Most of these buildings have discounts and student tickets that slash your prices too! I've placed a star* next to each item that I believe is worthy of spending time on line booking in advance!

1. Colosseum*

Obviously, this was going to be on the list. As the most decorated emblem of the city, I had to rank it as the first and most crucial attraction on your list. And it really is truly remarkable. This one adds onto the things I advise booking ahead early, as lines can grow quite lengthy, especially during summer heat.

2. Pantheon

This typically ranks extroadinarily low on everyone’s to do list in Rome, but in my personal opinion, this is one of the coolest features found in the city. As with most of the touristy attractions in Rome, it’s plopped right in the middle of random city buildings, however, it is rather close to the Trevy Fountain, so if you’re in the mood to gaze at some of humanities coolest architecture, you should pop by!

3. Trevy Fountain

Ah, just like the Colosseum, this Roman tourist favorite is just as magical as it’s portrayed in all of those late-night-I-have-no-plans-so-I’m-going-to-self-indulge-in-awful-chick-flicks-as-a-way-to-punish-myself type of movies. I found it quite empty during morning hours, although to be fair I was expecting a mob rule so I don’t know if this post has any bias associated with it. Don’t forget to toss the coin in using your right hand over your left shoulder!

4. The Vatican*

I don’t care if you’re religious or not, you should most definitely visit this force in all aspects of society. Whether you enter the mysterious inside or not, you can be sure to be profoundly impacted, by the sheer magnitude of the structure. You'll be wowed one way or another. Pro tip: if you want to see The Creation of Man you have to book a tour for inside!

5. Don’t Forget To Eat!

As if that could even happen! All the carbs you could ever dare dream of all in one location! Your fat kid freak flag is going to be flying high as you stuff your face full of pizzas, pastas, and my favorite: Italian desserts. Just be sure to steer clear of any tourist traps (hint, most inauthentic locations will offer

6. Spanish Steps

I suggest venturing out towards this part of town during the evening time, when the sun is setting and the crowds are much more mellowed out and relaxed. These steps aren’t specifically the most aspect of Rome, but they’re super fun to take a break from the hectic exploring and simply people watch in style.

7. See Ruins Everywhere

And I mean literally anywhere you look. You can be walking in the middle of the city or on the outskirts of town and still find some kind of remnants from previous civilizations. It’s wild to say the least. Also, be sure to bring some cat food (there will be plenty of felines running around the relics).

8. Explore The Streets Of Italy By Yourself

There’s some kind of magic that happens when you ditch the touristy locations and check out Rome on your own. Granted, you should be careful as you don’t know where exactly you’re going, but generally you should be safe and free to explore wherever!

9. See City Hall

It’s a beautiful building, and I would have actually loved to have ventured inside had I known how to. I don’t even know if it’s possible or not, but even just peering at the massive structure from the outside makes you gaze in awe. Just so massive.

10. Go Discover Something On Your Own

There's always something new to walk into. So if you notice an open courtyard or parade on the street, check it out! As I said before, there’s just something so unique about being able to wander off on your own and make your own stories. You can only do so much by bopping from one tourist location to the next, so toss out that tourist map, exit out of Apple Maps, and go create an unforgettable adventure on your own!


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