Why You Should Go On A College Road Trip
It’s one of those romanticized experiences that so many television shows and movies around the world boast: the college road trip. Listen, I too didn’t think it was worth all of the bells and whistles - until I finally went on one for myself.
I’ll let you in on a secret: it’s quite literally one of the most mundane and yet exciting things you will ever do. You will practically live in a car with your college friends, you will eat as though you actually want your body to crumble within you, and you will run on 5 coffees a day. You will sleep in grimy motels, hotels if you’re lucky, and you will make several questionable decisions. But there’s nothing more liberating and freeing in the entire world.
Yeah, I get it, you’re in college and wholeheartedly believe that the world is your oyster and there can’t possibly be anything else that will set your soul free. You are wrong. So incredibly wrong. In six days and quite a thrifty budget, I managed to line dance with strangers, toss Mardi Gras beads off of balconies, hold a baby alligator, cross through 9 different states, and completely redirect my understanding of what it means to travel in the United States.
Before this I thought the only great experience you could have is by going far, far, away. But I was SO unbelievably and irreversibly wrong. There’s so much to do and see wherever it is that you may be. You might not think so, but there’s always something waiting to be discovered just around the corner, and maybe by adventuring into the known, you’ll cherish the unknown all that much more.
There’s so much to see and do everywhere you go, but before you do so, try to pack your car, whether it’s for a week, a weekend, a night, or even just a day. Go somewhere. A destination you’ve never been, with a friend you’ll have for a lifetime. You’re only young once, how are you going to spend those years when you don’t care about a 401k or that mortgage loan you recently undertook?